Saturday, August 23, 2008

2008-08-17 "How to Excel at Work"

this is the final lesson that bruce brought us in the series "What the Bible has to say to us About Work", "How to Excel at Work."

2008-08-10 "Encounters With Jesus"

this is the lesson brought to us by joey peacher, our family and youth minster, on sunday morning august 10, 2008, "Encounters With Jesus"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

2008-08-03 "Balancing Your Career"

here is the audio portion of bruce's lesson for this sunday, august 3, 2008, "Balancing Your Career"

2008-08-03 handout

here is the handout that bruce used for his lesson this sunday, august 3, 2008, "Balancing Your Career"

Saturday, August 2, 2008

2008-07-27 "Dealing With Job Stress and Difficult People"

this is bruce's lesson from sunday, july 27, 2008, on "Dealing With Job Stress and Difficult People"

2008-07-27 handout

this is the handout for bruce's lesson from sunday, july 27, 2008, on "Dealing With Job Stress and Difficult People"